TikTok Header Mockup_ver2.gif

TikTok Redesign

TikTok Favorites Redesign

Personal Case Study - no affiliations with TikTok & this case study was driven by my personal interests



TikTok Favorites Redesign

TikTok is a social media platform for creating and watching short-form videos, from genres ranging from dance, skits, lip-synching to education, social awareness, and games.

TikTok has been updating many features, including new filters and stickers, several times a month to remain competitive as a unique, creator inclusive platform.


Team: Individual Project

Timeline: 7 weeks

Roles: Concept, Research, Ideation, Prototyping, Visual Design, Animating

Methods: Surveys, Interviews, Remote Usability Testing, Wireframes

Tools: Figma, Otter, Zoom


Problem Space

Problem Statement

TikTok users struggle to quickly locate and organize their favorites (saved videos), leading them to spend an excessive amount of time scrolling or ultimately giving up


Create a better user flow that allows users to:

  1. Easily organize individual item into folders

  2. Quickly search items within favorites




To understand the user’s needs, I began by researching the app’s statistics:

  • As of June 2020, the most popular content categories on TikTok all have over one billion views

  • 800 Million Active Users Worldwide

  • TikTok users spend nearly 500 minutes per month on the app

    Source 1 Source 2


Current Methods

To create a solution, I first analyzed TikTok’s current Favoriting task flow.

Current_Favoriting Task Flow.png

Favorites Function Competitive Analysis

Next, I observed other applications where users save or organize items, shops, products, and etc.:

App analysis 1.png
App analysis 2.png

User Interviews

To better understand user’s pain points, I conducted remote user interviews with 6 active users on TikTok.


My Hypothesis:

“Majority of users feel frustrated searching through the favorites page due to the volume of their favorited contents”



Shockingly, out of 6 TikTok users who frequently or occasionally (3-7 days/week) use the application:


100% of participants have experienced giving up when searching for content.


pulled user interview quotes


Key Insights

  • Some users are unaware of the favorites function - These users use “like” as a way to late revisit content

  • Users have trouble finding specific content due to the lack of organization and a large amount of saved content



User Persona

After analyzing the data from TikTok statistics and user interview results, I created a user persona to narrow down my target audience and create main features of the updated favorites function



Key Features

Once I defined the user persona of this redesign project, I narrowed down 3 key qualities for the new, redesigned Favorite’s tab:

Key Features.png

User Flow

Next, I brainstormed new user flows that experimented with and adjusted existing user flows for different application’s favorite functions. After examining these different user flows, I created a basic wireframe flow for the main features above for TikTok users to meet their goals most effectively.

Move & Remove Selection.png


Mid-Fidelity Prototype

After creating the user flow of the main features, I created a mid-fidelity prototype to best tested on users.



User Testing

Using this mid-fidelity prototype, I conducted user testing on zoom (while recording the test transcript on Otter.ai) to see how participants able to navigate through the given scenarios. I was curious to see their familiarity with the favorites function and if they would apply their knowledge of other applications to complete tasks.

Remote Testing.png

Scenario 1 - Saving from For You Page

As you scroll through your For You page, you come across a video you want to save to recreate in the future. Please:

  • Show me where you would save this video to watch for later

  • Show me how you would create a new “Designs” collection

Scenario 2 - Searching in Favorites Page

You remember a holiday dance video that you want to share with your friend. Please:

  • Show me how you find this video within the dance collection

Scenario 3 - Editing in Favorites Page

You decide that a specific video from the dance collection fits more into a different collection. Please:

  • Show me where you would move the first video to another collection

  • Move the video from the Dance collection into the Funny collection.

  • Show me how you would rename this collection into Dance/Learn


User Feedback

After conducting multiple remote usability tests, I compiled common feedback about the prototype:

User Feedback.png

Key Insights

  • Find a way to introduce & promote the “Favorites” function & new feature

  • Create a clearer iconography or UX writing for Favorites

  • Explore more ways to make selections of items



After conducting another remote usability testing of the developed version of the mid-fidelity prototype, these were the resulted changes in the experience:


Renaming “Favorites”


Pop-up Animation

Iteration 3_ver2.png

Additional flow to edit selected items

Previous method:

3 taps to select an item


Additional & new method:

1 hold down to select an item


Minor iterations

Iteration 2.png





This 7-week project has become one of my favorite case studies because I was able to redesign an aspect of an existing product that I use every day to deal with a problem that I faced as an active user. It allowed me to delve into animation and really use my research skills to observe how a common system of “favoriting” or “saving” is diversely incorporated in different applications.

Another valuable lesson I learned along the way is:

  1. Things to consider when launching a feature

    • This project was unique because I placed myself in a scenario where many users are familiar with the application, but not necessarily the feature I was promoting. This position allowed me to pinpoint key information when relaying this message and allowed me to practice making pop-ups or promotions quick and digestible to users.


Next Steps

I believe there are always ways to improve current features to the evolving users of TikTok, so as my next step, I would focus on ways for users to customize this feature by including:

  • Ways for users to sort and reorder collections to their preference

  • Ability to share and link to these collections with friends

  • Ability to have a collaborative collection between friends